Strings For Quartz Font In R Studio For Mac

Strings For Quartz Font In R Studio For Mac

In this document R refers to the core, command-line-based R system while refers to the GUI-based Mac OS application that controls the underlying R. This `R for Mac OS X FAQ' is rather incomplete at the moment and requires contributions from users. The new way of referring to font families is a little more convoluted now in modern versions of R. Thankfully, a very simple solution is present that handles the registration of fonts with R’s graphics devices, and as an added bonus will convert.tty font files into the Type1 font equivalents. A collection of miscellaneous basic statistic functions and convenience wrappers for efficiently describing data. The author's intention was to create a toolbox, which facilitates the (notoriously time consuming) first descriptive tasks in data analysis, consisting of calculating descriptive statistics, drawing graphical summaries and reporting the results.

quartzFonts {grDevices}R Documentation

quartz Fonts


These functions handle the translation of a device-independent R graphicsfont family name to a quartz font description.

Strings For Quartz Font In R Studio For Mac Crack




a character vector containing the four PostScript fontnames for plain, bold, italic, and bolditalic versions ofa font family.


either character strings naming mappings to display,or new (named) mappings to define.


A quartz device is created with a default font (seethe documentation for quartz), but it is also possibleto specify a font family when drawing to the device(for example, see the documentation for gpar in thegrid package).

The font family sent to the device is a simple string name, which must bemapped to something more specific to quartz fonts. A list ofmappings is maintained and can be modified by the user.

Strings for quartz font in r studio for mac 10 11

Strings For Quartz Font In R Studio For Mac 10 11

The quartzFonts function can be used to list existingmappings and to define new mappings. The quartzFontfunction can be used to create a new mapping.

Strings For Quartz Font In R Studio For Mac Osx

Default mappings are provided for three device-independent font familynames: 'sans' for a sans-serif font, 'serif' for a seriffont and 'mono' for a monospaced font.

See Also

Strings For Quartz Font In R Studio For Macbook Pro


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